Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Asalam, hey readers i don't want you to liked my posts and maybe some of you who read it are bored already. hehe am sorry!! through this blog i just share what I am thinking, feels and everything that lives on my mind. such a shitload of spam! am sure you all guys know The Notebook By Nicholas Sparks right? this is the one of its quote that i found from that film. 

"it was real, wasn't it? You and me. Such a long time ago, we were just a couple of kids. But we really loved each other, didn't we?"
The Notebook

It's a good song to be listened in this sunny day:
1. Meiko - Reason to Love You
2. Early Winters - Count Me In
3. Correatown - All the World (I Tell Myself)
4. Iron & Wine - Flightless bird, American Mouth
5. A Fine Frenzy - Near to You
6. Iron & Wine - Each Coming Night
7. The Kooks - One Last Time
8. Ella Mae Bowen - Holding Out For a Hero

11:14 AM
those  were difficult times but now,
everything's coming up roses.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


seenak apapun makanan yang kamu pengen, kalau lagi gak sehat, yah semua rasanya sama. sama-sama gak enak hehe.

makanan yang lagi bener-bener aku pengenin itu
1. empek-empek
2. brownies
3. martabak manis coklat keju susu
4. ice cream

terlihat menarik gak?


got an assignment to make a site plan of garden.
 YAY i made a simple randomly garden named A Wooden Shrub Garden.
could you imagine a garden that i made? full of shrub. horrible!!

i sketched it

and colored it

simple as that. hope you like it sir. i made it as simple as i thought 

Thursday, September 27, 2012


Hi everyone! am back for post something that i did a month ago.
that picture taken by my sister on second floor. really unpredictable photo shoot.
hmmm yah cuma iseng ga ada kerjaan

Monday, April 30, 2012



Hallo hari minggu yang saya isi dengan menonton Armagedon. always be my fav movie! pertama kali nonton film ini kalau gak salah waktu SD deh. yah tentu saja nonton sama Bapak. yang saya ngerti dari pertama kali menonton film ini adalah pengorbanan sang ayah untuk anaknya. dan sedikit pertanyaan buat kalian semua. ada yang tau gak sih persamaan film--film lama di bawah ini??

1. Top Gun

"Watching every motion in this foolish lover's game
Haunted by the notion somewhere there's a love in flames

Turning and returning to some secret place inside

Watching in slow motion as you turn to me and say.."
Take my Breath Away - Berlin

2. Armageddon 

Aerosmith with I don't Wanna Miss a Think
John Denver - Leaving on a jet Plane 

3. Titanic

absolutely i do love My Heart Will Go on - Celine Dion  

4. Perl Harbor

with my favorite Ost. is Faith Hill-There's You Will be 

Saturday, April 28, 2012



riends i have a lots of photos about Lombok Island in my laptop. and i would share all of my "vacation" photos here. after Gili Lombok - Gili Trawangan post i decided share about Tanjung Aan beach. here they are!!!

The Beach is Flanked by a Small Hill
"private beach"
pasir merica
this is the view of Tanjung Aan from the hill #1
this is the view of Tanjung Aan from the hill #2

jadi rute perjalanan saya sebelum sampai Lombok ini muter-muter dulu.
berangkat dari Malang pukul 16.00  tanggal 29 Maret tujuan Bandung dengan menggunakan Kereta Api. sampai Bandung  jam 08.00 tanggal 30 Maret. siap-siap untuk acara wisuda Haris dan temu keluarga besar Haris yang ada di Bandung. 05.00-20.00 acara wisuda makan siang, foto-foto, makan malam dan blablabla. paginya pukul 07.00 siap-siap menuju CKG menuju Bandara Internasional Lombok. seinget saya, penerbangan ke Lombok saya jam 12.00 dan delayed. sampai di Lombok disambut hujan rintik-rintik pukul 16.00 di jemput Ajeng dan mas Eltri Wijaya. dan tinggalah saya selama kurang lebih seminggu di pulau Lombok. 

Wednesday, April 11, 2012



what a magnificent view of Gili Trawangan

was a wonderful journey while studying in Lombok Island for a week!!
visited one of beautiful island in Indonesia such a great awesome memories plus you spent your 'vacation' with your friends. event thou we ceme to Lombok not for vacation we still felt that it was vacation for us. so many place we visited, a lot of foods we could eat, met someone new with different language, and any else. what a beautiful island is!! take me here as soon as possible i do really miss this place. played in the clean beach with the blue water, looking at the view of the mountain and hills, the blue skies and white sands such as paper. 

for your info in Lombok you can find so many clean beaches that still deserted. very comfortable place to visit. not only for beaches but also for other natural tourism such as waterfall. but you must be patient and have a little effort to reach those beautiful places. 

can you see that clean clear blue water.
the color is not blue i thing it's tosca :|

boat motors to cross the island.
Lombok to Gili Trawangan, Gili Trawangan to Gili Meno, or Gili Trawangan to Gili Air
hehe am not sure. 

look only several "Bule" you can see here.
What a deserted wonderful beach!!

sorry I lied. in fact the island was nearly all "Bule"
they thing it is a private island because i saw a lot of  (sorry) topless here. shame to saw.

look liked "pulau bule" -___-

you know that was my first time come to Lombok Island and also come to Gili Trawangan Island. before i cross the sea to Gili Trawangan Island i asked friend "emang di sana banyak bule ya? ko disini (pelabuhan penyebrangan) ga ada bule sama sekali??" haha it was silly question to answered. then my friend answered "bulenya buanyak banget" and me "oh.." still not believe because in the harbor crossing i can found no Bule at that time. then after we arrived ... ohbladi oh blada theres a lot of bule!!. it just like "Bule Island". sangking banyaknya bule sampai-sampai teman ngobrol yang juga bule prancis nanya saya asalnya dari mana. maybe he didn't know which local tourist and foreign tourist or mybe he thought that this island is not part of Indonesia.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


we were here on table 63

playing until drop in Dufan and had a wonderful dinner in most comfy cafe on Ancol named Backstage.
we had dinner in the second floor and the view was so romantic with the large stage and live music performance and the view of the sea at night was so wonderful yes WONDERFUL you can see nothing because you just saw black sea. yaiyalah kan gelap hehe.
much delicious menu that you can found here in this cafe, and the price was ,,, yah setara dengan tempat :)
and how lucky we are because we played in Dufan free and also for the dinner its all free.
big tanks to Sinta's uncle.
ya i will miss this place and all the moments here.
unforgettable moment right Apriati, Shanila, Shinta, Rindang? :)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


maaf kamar saya sebenarnya rapi, cuma sedang tidak rapi saja difoto ini hiihi :3
maklum yah sehabis pulang survey beberapa hari dan badan yang capek ini gak bisa diajak kompromi untuk luangkan waktu untuk beberes, pengenya tuh cuma tidur aja :") 

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


"good bye tomorrow" that i sketched have no means :|
pleas do not say bye bye. Anything :)

and the result after Coloring

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